
Coupon Train????

What is a coupon train?

A coupon train is an envelope filled with non-expired coupons that is sent between riders. When you receive the "train", take which coupons you will use and replace those with coupons for your fellow passengers. You then mail it to the next address on the list
In order to ride a train you must come up with a WANT list of coupons you would like!

Rules for Train Riders:

1. Take only the coupons you need.
2. Replace the number of coupons you take.
3. Try to include coupons that fall on the WANT list.
4. Do not include coupons with expiration dates within 15 days, unless you know the next rider can use them before they expire. (Feel free to PM riders.)
5. Mail out  LIST + AT LEAST 40 COUPONS to the next rider on the list within 5 days.
6. **Report to Danielle upon receiving the packet and after packet has been mailed out again. Post the status (received/sent) in your train's thread!! (This is crucial!! If you do not comply, you can be removed from the train.)**
7. Provide enough postage as to not to delay (or perhaps derail) the train (40 coupons + packing list = 1 stamp.)

**Life happens and sometimes the post office doesn’t deliver the way we would like. We understand that and are willing to work with you!** However if the lines of communication are not left open for extended periods of time we will remove you from the coupon trains!

**If you can NOT continue on with your train, please let the us know ASAP so that the train can be continued.**

Have fun and save lots of money!!!

Rules will be adjusted as needed.
Thank you!!
Please contact me via southernswaggc@gmail.com to board the train!!! In subject section put Coupon Train!!! 

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